Infant Education

Infant Classroom Daily Schedule

Every moment with an infant is precious and we take advantage of that. We coo, cuddle, rock, sing, and bond with your baby. Our specially designed infant care room is a place where babies feel safe, secure, and happy.

We have lots of toys with bright, vibrant colors that encourage manipulation play and focus on strengthening fine motor skills. Through simple games like peek-a-boo, our loving teachers begin the foundational work for later learning and help infants develop cognitive skills. But we never forget that you are your child’s most important teacher, so we give you daily reports of their routine as well as milestone-reaching moments.

Our infant curriculum is designed for a group setting but focuses on individual care and skill development.

Many wonderful adventures await your child as they grow.

Infant Classroom Daily Schedule

Your infant has their own individual needs and we understand that their schedule is dictated by those needs. Feeding, diapering, hygiene, playing and napping occurs throughout the day on their schedule.


Small and Large Muscle Motor Development

(Grasping, Stacking, Turning, Folding, Cause & Effect, Pounding, Tossing, Pressing)

Sensory Activities

(Patterns, Tactile Toys, Feely Books, Textures)


Language Development

(Stories, Finger Puppet Plays, Listening, Talking, Looking)

Outside Play Time

(Buggy Ride, Playground Time, Balls, Ride on Toys, Pulling & Pushing Toys)

Music & Movement Development

(Singing, Listening, Rhythms)